Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wednesday Blogger

One of the biggest breakthroughs I got out of Landmark Education's Curriculum for Living has to do with my relationship to time and my schedule. A few years back, I remember having "no time" to do everything I needed to do: it was always a mad rush to get our of the house, to work, to meetings, through meals, and even vacations. There simply just wasn't enough time!

And then, sometime during the Introduction Leaders' Program, I got that I could run my schedule, instead of it running me. That shift in perspective had me do a whole lot of things I'd previously professed I never had the time to do: take on more projects at work, create businesses, supervise programs and seminars for Landmark, attend trainings abroad, and even take vacations and three months off out of the country to review and take the NY Bar Exam! (As a side note: I just found out yesterday that I passed the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam - yahoo!)

It takes constant and continuous practice though, to manage everything on my plate (the key there is always getting a bigger one, instead of cramming stuff on top of each other). My expansion in that area hasn't gotten to the level of mastery yet, but as I continue to practice expansion, i.e., taking on more things instead of prioritizing or sacrificing, I've found that things are working; stuff is getting done.

These last few days, in particular, I've noticed that I've gotten to create a life of my own design - and everything "fits." Since I got back from the US, I've spent time in and out of town with old friends and my sorority sisters, had conversations towards creating (even more!) businesses, taken on new clients for the law office, all while leading Introductions to the Landmark Forum, managing the next seminar and the upcoming Advanced Course, and taking coaching calls/conversations throughout the day. Almost nothing has been compromised: aside from scheduled time with different groups of friends, I still get to have weekday breakfasts or lunches with my Dad, dinner with my Mom, drinks with my brother. Tonight, I even have time to accept my Dad's longstanding invitation to join his socio-civic organization, and, this weekend, I'll be going out of town for a little family summer outing (followed by another sorority shindig).

While my ever-expanding "plate" knows no weekends or weekdays or hours, I set aside one day to "chill" (in a relative sense). I created that on Wednesdays, I don't have to be anywhere in particular: I can work and take calls from home, do my beauty rituals, go to my Dad's evening meetings (or not). One area that I haven't gotten around to creating time for as of late is mission, and it looks like my plate is going to have to get a little bit bigger (Wednesday mornings and Saturdays are the days I'm designating for that).

And, as the title of this post indicates, Wednesdays are my days to blog; while I may put up the occasional post throughout the week, Wednesday is my designated day to update this page and unload my thoughts.

Blessed be God for schedules we get to create - hey, He got a whole lot done Himself in just six days! :-) " And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations Honey on passing that exam!!! GReat to hear about the exciting things happening!

I am also excited about the business that we are planning together!

God bless!