Monday, April 21, 2008


A miracle, defined by the dictionary, is "an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause."

That's a little high-fallutin' for me, especially since I'm about to share with you a range of "miracles" that may or may not fit into the definition.

Today, I got present to the miracle of my career. Many of those close to me know that I'd given up the legal profession more than a few years ago to pursue other endeavors; heck, I was even in a magazine spread that extolled the choices of women as they changed horses midstream, so to speak. And yet, after going through all that drama, I am a lawyer in good standing before the Supreme Court and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (took some effort to get me back on track), and God-willing, of New York State, and gosh darned, I'm proud of it. And of how I can make a difference knowing that don't have to "survive" (or bail out) to thrive in a purported sea of "sharks."

I got the miracle of conversation today. I spent half my day just talking with fellow lawyers, and later, with a client, as if the conversation would never end. Then, the rest of the day was spent in conversations with family, and with a number of remarkable individuals committed to have the miraculous happen in their lives. Despite the number of people I "had" to talk to, I kind of regretted that my last conversation (at 10:00 p.m.) had to end.

I also got present to the miracle of relationships. I am connected to the life force of the planet - the wonderful world of human beings - in ways that continue to astound me. The other night, I was in traffic - and a stranger of a street child (as opposed to the ones I've come to know over the years) started tapping on my car window for extra change. Since I started serving with the streetchildren's foundation, I've learned that a moment of relatedness and recognition produces more results than a perfunctory handover of coins - so I started a little pantomime with the kid. No, no money. No, no food on me right now. All I had was a big smile of acknowledgment - that met its counterpart. At the end of the exchange, I waved goodbye behind my tinted car window...and he did too, bless his heart, still smiling. I passed his way again the next night, through a green light, and he recognized me. God, I miss "my kids."

So those are some of my miracles to date. I should add one big one - the miracle of a highway built from Tarlac all the way to the foot of Baguio City - which I had hoped and wished and prayed for, and declared as a possibility almost two years ago, and which is going to be happening, finally (thanks Lex, for the heads up), without my having to do anything about it. Miracles abound, at every moment - but sometimes we just gotta get present to the moment and grab it for everything it's worth.

I'm ready for the next miracle...are you?

Love and light, peace and power to you always :-)

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