Thursday, October 19, 2006

Grace In My Space

What's in my space today?

I'm grateful for a little quiet time to myself and my laptop. This Space Mountain of a ride has had me swept off my feet the last several days that I usually get home in the wee hours and way too tired to do anything else. Tonight, we called it an "early" one after eating too much (again); but Bakang seems to have other plans and is enticing me to jam awhile - I don't think so. Just sent in my "kids'" final grades; have an early day tomorrow to do catering stuff and chorva.

*An hour and a half later* Just got off the phone - haven't used the landline so much since high school; my mobile phone bill must be horrendous (the family company pays for it, and I usually get flak from my Mom when my bill goes even slightly off the charts, but lately she's noticeably nonplussed about the whole thing).

What's in one particular space in the garage today was the former love-of-my-life, the symbol of freedom and independence and my one-way ticket out of "bad" situations. My beloved Toyota is crushed beyond recognition, its hood and engine crumpled like a used tissue. I'm now dependent on friends and my father to get where I need to be, and, starting Saturday, on a hired driver to ferry me safely back and forth, especially when I'm tired and sleepy (I fell asleep at the wheel on Sunday morning; H will probably make good on his long-time promise to come over to personally kick my a$$ since the worse has happened - good enough reason to finally get jerky to come over, just kidding jerky! :-) ) But that crash created a huge space to realize many things: that I am not Superwoman and my act of "being able to do everything" is disappearing, with the ability to sleep normally taking its place; that you can actually get out of that traumatic loss of the symbol of life, liberty, and very expensive property with detachment; that you need to do what you need to do not someday, but NOW NOW and NOW, because you might not come out of the next car crash. And that God truly loves me and watches over me, and makes all things - even a potentially fatal accident (the airbags did not deploy) work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). I got out with just a split lip that hurt only when I laughed, a broken molar, and a greater sense of urgency to live life in this world in preparation for the next - in all its exceeding abundance!

And that's what in my space. What's in yours?


Daisy said...


Oh my! Thank God you are OK. We were jsut reading a minute ago about the crash. Indeed God has many good plans for you and that He keeps you safe!

We are both shocked and relieved about this bit of news :O)

God bless sis!!!

Day, Amats and Isay

Honey Oliveros said...

Thanks my dear family D! I miss you so. Hope to spend time with everyone soon.

But you know all too well what that crash freed up for me. E e e! God's sense of humor talaga...