Saturday, March 26, 2011

Balikbayan Bruises

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I espied a peculiar sight. A series of bruises was beginning to develop on my right thigh - emerging newly like juvenile volcanic islands after a major tectonic incident.

Somehow I expected them to be there, but the actual sight itself was still an occasion for wonder, especially since my skin is as thick as a carabao's, and very rarely ever shows signs of maltreatment or mishandling. But lo and behold, it looks like I have succumbed to an acute case of:

Balikbayan bruising. A type of relatively minor haematoma of tissue caused by internal bleeding into the interstitial tissues, usually initiated by blunt trauma, which causes damage through physical compression and deceleration forces. Trauma sufficient to cause balikbayan bruising occurs from a wide variety of situations including: heavy lifting of overweight suitcases onto weighing scales (and exertion from repacking of excess cargo onto carry-on luggage) prior to baggage check at the airline counter, jostling to get ahead of the airline queue at time of boarding, muscle exertion in storing previously mentioned carry-on luggage (now weighing 90 lbs. or more) in the overhead bin (and subsequently retrieving it upon deplaning). Note that snatching cumbersome suitcases/balikbayan boxes from the baggage carousel does NOT count - for a tip of US$1 (or less, for regional flights), Manila airport personnel would be more than happy to suffer on your behalf.

More on the subject in subsequent ruminations. TTFN!

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